
Blogging is a great marketing tool for businesses that used more  and more frequently. Most popular blogging websites include,, WordPress, Tumblr and Xanga. There are roughly over 400 million active english based individual blogs on all different blogging sites. Because of this number it makes sense that businesses would take advantage of this opportunity to broaden their media circle, paired with Facebook, Twitter and other media advances.

Blogging is commonly used by companies that are selling products, rather than ideas and services. Since blogs offer the option to upload photographs, the majority of companies take advantage of this by showing new products. For example, the official Playstation blog will feature pictures and screen shots of their latest games. By doing this, it will quickly entice the reader into wanting to know more about the game. Many clothing store blogs will feature their upcoming clothing lines and that too convinces the reader to keep coming back.

One of the many advantages of blogging, is that since a large percentage of people blog on a regular basis, it takes no more effort for them to view a business’ blog, than it does to view their own. Also, it does offer a more personal touch because consumers can comment and express their opinions. As a fellow blogger, I believe that businesses using blogs is a great idea because it’s something easily accessable to all, and it has the exact ingredients needed to create a perfect marketing experience.

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